The wreck of the Titanic is disappearing

Overseas network July 3, according to the United States media reported that the famous wreck of the Titanic is gradually disappearing. Since hitting the glacier and sinking to the sea floor, the hull has been eroded by ocean currents and bacteria. Experts say it is only a 'matter of time' before the Titanic disappears. To document this precious history, an underwater exploration company has organized a team to document the wreck. According to an article by CBS News on February 2, the wreck of the Titanic is in a bad state: The ship is ridded with holes, the observatory has completely disappeared and the iconic bow railing in movies and TV shows could collapse at any time. The Titanic's masts have collapsed since the wreck was discovered in 1985. The deck, where passengers were gathered at the time of the accident, was also badly damaged. Deep ocean currents and bacteria do significant damage to the hull, with large amounts of iron lost every day. Mr. Thode, the Titanic historian, said the expedition was unlikely to yield new discoveries, but would shed new light on the distribution of the wreckage. Kamda, former president of the Titanic Historical Society, once said: 'Let nature take back what belongs to her. It was only a matter of time before the Titanic became a brown stain on the seabed.