Speaking! How should Amazon refurbish listings?

To give you a quick idea of what this means, there is generally nothing complicated about the so-called Amazon refresh link!

1. Refurbishing the listing is to change the existing old listing into a new listing; Secondly, after renovation, all the evaluations of the old listing can be removed to achieve the purpose of removing bad reviews. 2. Let old products enjoy the flow of new products and continue to sell without moving inventory after the products are removed from the shelves; 3. Renovation at certain points in time can bring some operations that break the limits. The most amazing thing is that in the new product promotion, if the luck is bad, the first evaluation is one-star review; After renovation, you can remove all reviews from the old listing to remove bad reviews; In fact, there is no sophisticated black technology for Amazon. The so-called black technology basically takes advantage of amazon's loopholes.

When is a refurbished listing appropriate?

Of course, not all situations are suitable for refurbishing a listing. When your Review rating is too low, this method allows Amazon sellers to quickly remove negative reviews, saving both cost and time. The importance of an Amazon Listing is self-evident. Many sellers will encounter a variety of need to refurbish the listing side, when sellers encounter this situation, if you do not optimize listing, product ranking will be very low, so consumers will not see your listing, there will be no flow, no flow will not have orders, so in order to get more attention, With more traffic and orders, it's well worth the time novice sellers have to spend optimizing the Listing. Renovate listing while retaining review? Amazon's refurbished Listing seems like a lifesaver when you're in the situation you shared above. Now that we know how Amazon's Lsiting revamp works, what's next for this feature? 1. Delete the original Listing, use the new UPC and the original FBA SKU to create A new Listing, new ASIN, title, description, picture, A+ and so on. (Note down the original SKU). 2. Merge the old and new ASIN, open Case merge, retain the new ASIN and remove the old ASIN. Case is also very simple, only need to fill in 2 ASIN submission. Fill in the old ASIN on the top and the new ASIN on the bottom. 3. After completing the above steps, open the case in the background and ask the customer service to refresh it, saying that the two products have been merged. We need to make it clear to the customer service and ask them to help change the refresh information in the background. As for the probability that the customer service will help you refresh, most of the customer service will say no, cannot operate, can only use the previous ASIN sales, may be rejected, you can open several more cases to find different customer service, then basically depends on luck. 4. When the customer service replied that it had detected that there was inventory under the new ASIN, it asked us to convert the spontaneous goods into FBA. After the successful conversion into FBA according to the operation steps, the inventory would be automatically under the new Listing. Comments are shared at this time. Well, congratulations on your renovation! 5. If you want to remove bad reviews at this time, you need to do the fifth step, send a Case to disassemble the old and new ASIN again, and the product returns to the old SKU+ the old ASIN. At this time, you can use the old SKU+ the new UPC last time, and generate an old SKU+ the new ASIN.

What are the benefits of renovation?

● The product regained the traffic support from Amazon during the new product period. ● To solve the problem of half-dead link unsalable. ● Reduce the long term storage fees that can be charged for unsalable links. ● Save the cost of warehouse replacement. ● Save time waste caused by warehouse change.